Tuesday, 19 May 2015


.. Charlotte makes me out to be a right Charlie!

 WATCHING little Charlotte race around a field today while her mum and the rest of the nannies looked on, two things struck me.
 Firstly, she's starting to grow horns and secondly she doesn't squat when she pees leading me to two conclusions: the emergence of horns shows a natural, healthy development but I am beginning to think that she is a he!

BUDDING STAR: The two black dots
of fur also reveal emerging horns
 Charlotte, or more appropriately Charlie, was born on April 23 - St George's Day - and when I picked her up to give her a cuddle told my other half that we had a little she goat after a swift glance under her tail. Only a few hours old she seemed strong, healthy and of the female gender.
GOATING AROUND: Charlie with Daisy
 But now barely a month old, Charlie is already beyond a cuddle as the kid finds the call of the wild far more alluring than me waving a can of goat mix, so I am unable to check more thoroughly if she is a he. Today she interrupted her play to stop for a pee and, unlike the other nannies who squat, Charlie stood there without ceremony to answer the call of nature. Since the flow of liquid came from an unexpected direction I am beginning to think my "it's a girl" proclamation was a tad premature.
 He-who-should-be-obeyed-but-rarely-is was informed by phone earlier today and said - no doubt with smug satisfaction - that he will clarify the situation when he heads back North to the Borders. I must admit the very thought of hubby running around the pasture trying to grab hold of Charlie fills me with joy and I will try and record the moment on video for you.

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