Tuesday, 12 May 2015


.. Now all are gone

 I recently sent out a snippet reporting how I'd seen a fox being chased across a field by all 8 of my peafowl ... of course appearances can be deceptive and the master of deception as regular readers know is The Fox!
 A few days later three of my peahens disappeared without trace leaving me to conclude that the silly birds were lured in to a trap by the cunning foxes which plague these parts of the Borders. And what better way than to lure someone into a false sense of security by allowing them to believe they are the hunters and not the hunted.
OUT-FOXED: Last one standing. My Indian peafowl was one
of a quartet but now she's on her own ... and without a name 
 Either that or someone netted the birds but that theory seems most unlikely unless any readers from this region can tell me otherwise after experiencing similar unexplained disappearances.
 Their absence has not only caused me some upset but now that the mating season is upon us you can imagine the three peacocks - Albert, Edward and Harry - are non too pleased by the shortage of peahens.
 Left standing is Philomena, a white peahen and the last of the Indian blue peahens. I'd not given her a name but any suggestions are most welcome <she's pictured right>. If they are laying eggs I've not seen any so far and am unlikely too since they roam freely during the day and perch high up in a sycamore tree at dusk.

Everything is a source of fun
Nobody's safe, for we care for none
Life is a joke that's just begun
Three little maids from school 

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