Sunday 16 June 2013


Or Josephine's brood go for a stroll

 Had I decided to incubate Josephine's eggs the Scots Dumpy chicks produced would still be under a heat lamp and that is how their life would be for the next few weeks.
 However she hatched them herself five days ago and each day since then has been one of survival instruction of how to eat food and drink water and how to scratch around the floor of the chicken coop and forage for food.
 Today she surprised us all by taking her chicks out to see how they could cope in the big wide world and, at one stage, she even took her half dozen out of the hen pen for a stroll.
 You can see what happens in this two small clips - Madge, one of the more curious of the cuckoo-coloured Scots Dumpys got a little too close and Josephine reacted as any protective mother would.