Friday 3 January 2014


JACK'S LAD:  His parents are from Cheshire & he has a 

wonderful temperament

Troublesome trio face a new era in 2014

 ALL hell broke out in the hen house on New Year's Eve forcing me to take the rather dramatic steps of evicting the troublemakers. I wondered if any of the landlords from some of the rougher hostelries around The Gorbels in Glasgow were encountering similar problems as Hogmanay loomed.
 The troublemakers were all cockerels and, while wonderful examples of the rare Scots Dumpys breed, I have now decided to take the dramatic step of putting them up for sale.
 I'm sure there will be breeders out there somewhere who need to introduce new stock. In their defence the lads were just following their natural instincts although, at barely six months old, I thought there might have been a couple more months left before their testosterone levels began to rise.

ADONIS: Stunning son of Horatio from Isle of Wight
 But it's as though Spring arrived three months early in the hen pen and Napoleon, the undisputed alpha male, was growing weary with the over amorous antics of the three young pretenders.
 His closest rival, Horatio, is currently lording it in his own pen with Thumberlina a pure white hen who I'm hopeful will produce white offspring which are extremely rare.
Adonis, a light-coloured cuckoo who will be featuring later this year in an epic TV drama, has developed quite a sweet nature so I was shocked by all the aggression he showed to the other cockerels during the New Year's Eve brawl.
 He is Horatio's son and is very stunning thanks to a massive red comb and a magnificent pair of wattles (the red dangly bits below his beak).
 Fighting him was Jack's Lad, an offspring from the dear departed Jumpin' Jack Flash who originated from an incubator in Cheshire. He has his father's magnificent poise and dark-coloured cuckoo feathering.
JESSIE: A late developer but a chip off the old block
 Last but not least is Jessie who also made an acting debut on the film set of the production which I'm told will take the UK by storm later this year.
 The funny thing is that Jessie was such a late developer I actually though he was a she and so the original name given was Jessica after the Olympic athlete. Virtually overnight her long legs disappeared into sturdy limbs at the same time as her delicate comb suddenly bloomed in to a full blown cockerel's with a large, strong body to match. Now, as the other hens can testify, Jessica is no more and has morphed in to a rather striking black rooster not unlike his dad, the sturdy and imposing Napoleon who came from Northampton.
 However Napoleon has made it quite clear there's no room for nepotism on his watch and no room for any other randy roosters either.
 And so to keep peace I'm putting my handsome cockerels on the market at £30 each. If there are any takers out there please let me know.

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